Division 1. Windsong - Jim Watson 1st AMS and 1st PHC.
Javelin - Mark Nicholson 2nd AMS ,
Phoenix - P.Bennet, P . Green - 2nd PHC 3rd AMS
Anna - P. De Lange - 3rd AMS
Division 2. YT2 - Stuart Gooley and Andrew Young 1st AMS 2nd PHC
Sanjura - Keith Ross 2nd AMS, 1st PHC It must have been the crew long lunch at SYC yesterday that gave them the energy to win.
Adios - Geoff Hancock 3rd PHC
Division 3 Tub Thumper - G. Heard and A. Creed 1st PHC, 1st CBH
Mixed Nuts - Tim O'Grady 2nd PHC
Messin About Paul Copeland 3rd PHC
Heaven Can Wait - Keith Bayliss 2nd CBH
Cocktail - Rob Rainsford 3rd CBH
AND Welcome home to some of the boats arriving at Mornington Harbour for the first time this season!
AND Welcome back Seduction, Richard Nichols back on the water after being still on the hardstand at 6pm the night before the race.
Thank you RYCV team for a great race.