Congratulations to all involved and a HUGE THANK YOU to Simon and the others involved for the hard work over the last year or so – this is a great outcome for the club, the future for MYC is looking very positive. The link to the minutes is as follows:
The proposed lease will provide MYC with sufficient security of tenure to maintain the site and continue
its operations for the benefit of all members and other users of the facility and allow amortisation at
an acceptable rate over the period of the lease.
That Council resolves to enter into a 21 year lease with Mornington Yacht Club for part of
the foreshore at Mornington, at a commencement rental of $41,000 plus GST per annum,
with annual rent reviews to CPI and reviewed to market every three years.
1. That Council receives 50% of the revenue received by Mornington Yacht Club from the
sub-lease to Telstra.
2. That subject to the issuing of the new lease, the existing Mornington Yacht Club lease be surrendered.
3. That the Common Seal of Mornington Peninsula Shire be affixed to the surrender of lease
agreement, the new lease agreement, any sub-lease agreements and the relevant documents
be signed by the authorised officers.
4. Attendance
Cr. Shaw having declared a Conflict of Interest in relation to this report, left the Chamber prior to
consideration and voting on this item and returned after voting on this item was concluded.
Moved: Cr. Gibb
Seconded: Cr. Celi
That the recommendation be adopted.