As of this Friday we get some relaxation of the lockdown. Albeit with some strict rules. All members using the club facilities aged 16yr+ are required to be double vaccinated and be able to show proof (or a medical exemption).
The rules are mandated by the government and are for the protection of all. The Club asks members to respect this and those enforcing them. The Club bar and the Moorings room are classed as one room under the current guidelines with capacity limits; indoors 20 and outdoors 30, so booking is essential for lunch and dinner.
Coffee will be available from 10.30am (Click here for times and how to book).
The yard will be open for work on your boats, of course rules apply. Training and social sailing is permitted at this stage, but no racing.
You can enter with the following conditions:
- QR check in at the gate is essential
- Masks must be worn in the yard
- Social distancing (1.5m)
- Toilets are open
- Changing facilities / showers remain closed
- QR check in upon entry is essential
- Masks must be worn at all times (except eating/drinking)
- Vaccination proof (or medical exemption) required for all 16yrs +
- Social distancing (1.5m)
- Seated only
Will be open as of this Friday 9.30am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday. At this stage we are asking that you have your vaccination proof on you when coming down to the club. More details on how the club will document this regarding volunteering etc. will follow at a later date.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Hang in, we are getting closer......
Greg Martin, Commodore