MYC member Craig Poynder is current in Aswan in Egypt and got the chance to sail on an Egyptian Felucca yacht at sunset on the Nile River and wanted to share some beautiful photo's with the club!
![]() GRAEME LYELL LIFE MEMBERSHIP Graeme joined MYC in the early 2002 and crewed aboard “Gilt Edge” for 4 years, a Nolex 25 owned and skippered by well-known member Geoff Hancock. Following his retirement from business in 2006, Graeme joined MYC Sailability as a volunteer under the leadership Colin Smith, a well-known sailing identity in Victoria and club member. He quickly slotted in to the Wednesday volunteer group and assisted in the Sunday sailing program. In 2009 Graeme took over MicK Daddo’s co-ordinator role and Mick’s position as representative for MYC Sailability on the Sailability Victoria committee and served on that committee for 4years. Graeme developed the co-ordinator’s role into a full blown administrative position. His working life was in IT and with the help of Noel Heyes who took on the day leadership role for all our programs, he enthusiastically moved to bring MYC-S into a far more controlled environment by creating a Sailability Manual comprising every working facet of our programs. This is a serious body of work and includes State government disability requirements, OHS requirements for our clients and volunteers. It was followed with detailed day sheets covering everything that happens in our daily programs, running sheets for safety control our clients on water and ashore, to roster sheets for each of our 40+ volunteers. Graeme's diligence and attention to detail is second to none and has now built MYC-S into arguably the best program in the State and in the top echelon on the National stage. Now due to health reasons, he needs to take on a less onerous role resulting in moving our administration into the MYC office rather than have Graeme carrying the full load. Graeme has always been actively involved over the last decade in our not-for-profit and corporate fund raising and has a significant amount of money in the process. In recognition of all he has done to make MYC-S the force it is today, the Sailability committee last year created the GRAEME LYELL PERPETUAL TROPHY to be awarded to “The Volunteer of the Year” across all our programs. We have also named one of Hansa yachts “Graeme Lyell” in recognition of his service to MYC-S. It is impossible to imagine MYC-S without thinking of Graeme and the incredible work he has done over the last seventeen years in Sailability. His work ethic and care for all who are in our organisation and for all our clients who come sailing with us, now numbering over 100 people who have enjoyed at least one program of sailing with us, has set the standard for us all to follow. Attention Skippers:
Conditions required for having members and guests on board your boat during Club Racing This season ALL people on your boat on Club Racing days (Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays) need to be accounted for due to an Australian Sailing prescription to Rule 46, “that requires ALL persons on board a boat while racing shall be members of a club affiliated to Australian Sailing, and have an Australian Sailing number or hold a valid Sail Pass” Compliance with this rule is important. For safety reasons, the Club, if in the event of an incident needs to know exactly how many people are on that particular boat, also their names and all crew are covered by Australian Sailing insurance. In addition to the unlimited sailing for Crew & Senior sailing memberships, the following now apply: Social Memberships - include 4 FREE sails per season, with a current valid Sail Pass for each race, before being required to upgrade to a Crew. To have insurance cover whilst on the water, a Sail Pass for the day that the member wishes to sail needs to be organised. This can be done via the sail pass link from the homepage of our website or via the office. For all non members/ non sailing members/ visitors that do not has an AS number, a Sail Pass is required - the first SIX sails are FREE, then the next SIX sails cost $15 per sail, before an upgrade to Crew membership is required to continue to sail, with any money paid to come off the total amount. This can be done via the Sail Pass link from the home page of our website or via the office. Please familiarise yourself with the above and do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions at all or would like a demo on how to purchase a Sail Pass so that you can help your guests. It is very easy to do and can be done via your phone by clicking on this link. I am very proud and humbled to have both my recent publications nominated for awards in several categories across two separate awards.
Death on the Ferry Hygeia for Fiction and New Writing. Lusine’s Blessing received nominations for the NSW Premiers Literary Awards for Fiction Lusine’s Blessing has also received nominations in two categories of the Aurealis Awards for Fantasy and Young Adult. The next step is to make the short list in each category. If either one makes it that far I will be pretty pleased. Both books may be purchased on line from Booktopia or if they want to place an order with your office I will be very happy to deliver them to the club. Members will recall the heavy work back in May retrieving our Marks and pressure washing them over the ramp. Over winter a team principly comprising Ken Bilham, Tim Melville and Laurie White have steadily worked at restoring them with a lot of the work at least undertaken in our new donated shed. Yesterday Trevor Neate, Roly DeLange and Brian Fraser returned the marks in preparation for commencement of the season.
So with that lot, expect some of them to be slightly off position to add to the confusion. Thanks and Well Done Guys. ![]() The Sailing Instructions for the season 2022 - 2023 have now been released. You can download the SIs from the our website under the menu 'Sailing>>Club Race Documents' or you can click here to download the SIs. ![]() The Notice of Race for the season 2022 - 2023 has now been released. You can download the NoR from the our website under the menu 'Sailing>>Club Race Documents' or you can click here to download the NoR. Well done to our MYC members competing in the NSW Youth Championships that finished yesterday.
Leigh Harvey 8th in Open Opti out of a big fleet. Daniel Laverty 8th in the Laser Radial. Olivia and Lilly and Lucy and Milly all competed in the 420s. Read below for report from James Grover: "A simply awesome week away with four (4) families and others from down south that we met up with too .. no idea of results, but Milli and Lucy finished last often and in both races today! - always smiling and have been commented upon by NSW parents as persistent with great attitudes. The weather finally came good by this weekend.. at Pt Wolstencroft the place rocks! Sydney States was tough for all .. (and wet!!) with 10 boats starting on the Sat and only 6-7 completing all races due to a storm front on the harbour. Sundays racing was the opposite with ultra calm conditions. Daniel Laverty was in a Laser this weekend and supported his fellow MYC (more junior) youth sailors throughout the 10 days" Message from our sponsor - "We’re just about to start our “Summer” marine battery promotion. We will have special prices on all marine & deep cycle batteries and club members will get an additional 10% off these prices when they mention they are a member of the Mornington Yacht Club".
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