Conditions required for having members and guests on board your boat during Club Racing
This season ALL people on your boat on Club Racing days (Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays) need to be accounted for due to an Australian Sailing prescription to Rule 46, “that requires ALL persons on board a boat while racing shall be members of a club affiliated to Australian Sailing, and have an Australian Sailing number or hold a valid Sail Pass”
Compliance with this rule is important. For safety reasons, the Club, if in the event of an incident needs to know exactly how many people are on that particular boat, also their names and all crew are covered by Australian Sailing insurance.
In addition to the unlimited sailing for Crew & Senior sailing memberships, the following now apply:
Social Memberships - include 4 FREE sails per season, with a current valid Sail Pass for each race, before being required to upgrade to a Crew. To have insurance cover whilst on the water, a Sail Pass for the day that the member wishes to sail needs to be organised. This can be done via the sail pass link from the homepage of our website or via the office.
For all non members/ non sailing members/ visitors that do not has an AS number, a Sail Pass is required - the first SIX sails are FREE, then the next SIX sails cost $15 per sail, before an upgrade to Crew membership is required to continue to sail, with any money paid to come off the total amount. This can be done via the Sail Pass link from the home page of our website or via the office.
Please familiarise yourself with the above and do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions at all or would like a demo on how to purchase a Sail Pass so that you can help your guests. It is very easy to do and can be done via your phone by clicking on this link.