The Mooring Working Group comprising of Tim Melville, Trevor Neale, Graeme Taylor and myself have commenced meeting on a regular basis to assist the MYC Committee with their interaction with all stakeholders (members, non-members, Parks Victoria (PV), general public, etc.). The role of this group will be to report to the General Committee. It is early days and much information has been provided over recent months; thanks to many.
To provide you with preliminary commentary, I report the following as key areas under discussion.
- Opportunities to grow sailing and membership through improved mooring occupancy
- Improvement and simplification of mooring permit transfers ensuring permit holders are compliant
- General management of moorings and recommendations of Parks Victoria
- Review of Mooring Tackle Specifications
- Review of actual tackle positions and complexities of varying boat sizes between positions.
- Opportunities to improve the ‘yield of safe moorings’ through development of a master plan, with a range options
The Working Group members are welcoming of any suggestions and thank those that already have.