You could sense that there were high levels of anxiety pre-start on Saturday. Everyone had read the forecast, but as usual, and particularly in sailing, timing is everything. Our sport is so dependent on Mother Nature and she can be very unpredictable at times. Last Saturday was no different. It’s almost impossible to imagine that at one stage pre-start we had no wind and calm seas, and yet by the time the flags went up we had 25kts and some fairly big seas to contend with.
The pre-start anxiety demonstrated how many sails some boats have onboard. There were more sail changes than costume changes at a Cher concert in some cases. Which head sail was the most common question being pondered by most crews? “Let’s go with the 2”; “No wait a minute lets go with the 1”; “fantastic the breeze is in at last”; “Oh no! Let’s go with the 3 and while your there put a reef in the main.“
The strong winds proved a handful for some boats, with a number of retirements early in the race. Hopefully no damaged gear or more importantly crew. Those that slugged it out were rewarded with some upwind discomfort, but incredibly rewarding downwind legs. The brave souls that flew spinnakers - I salute you. It was not without risk, with Endless Advice having a few problems and even Tub Thumper continuing their season of memorable broaches. For others there would have been some debate no doubt between the foredeck and the cockpit (dream world) regarding the value of gybing.
Thanks also to our on-water race crew, particularly the crew of Hysport, who commented to me that we had it lucky sailing out there, compared to them bouncing around in a powerboat. I must admit their “drowned rat” look after the race made me re-evaluate things. Thanks to all our race crew volunteers for keeping us safe and making it possible for us to race.
Line Honours
Division 1 : Morticia
Division 2 : Arabelle
Division 3 : Himalayen Women
Handicap Results
Division 1
- Windsong : Jim Watson
- Morticia : McDonald, Kurz & Alexander
- Trim : Tony Grundy
Division 2
- Arabelle : B.Levenspiel & G.Hailes
- Tonic: Ray Harvey
- YT2: Stuart Gooley
Division 3
- Beau Brummell : Tonia & Graeme Vertigan
- Himalayen Women : Paul Dynes
- Endless Advice : Rob Harrison
AMS Results
Division 1
- Morticia : McDonald, Kurz & Alexander
- Windsong : Jim Watson
- Seduction : Richard Nichols
Division 2
- Arabelle : B.Levenspiel & G.Hailes
- YT2: Stuart Gooley
- Tonic: Ray Harvey
CBH Results
Division 3
- Himalayen Women : Paul Dynes
- Darkside of the Moon : Steve Bolton
- Endless Advice : Rob Harrison
Div 3- Class Captain