Delete the following lines from the Schedule of Events:
14:00 Div. 1, 2 & 3 Aggregate Series TLS
14:00 Etchells & Flying 15's Aggregate & Class Series (2 races) OWS
Add the following lines to the Schedule of Event for this day:
15:00 Div. 1, 2 & 3 70th Anniversary Trophy Race OWS
15:00 Etchells & Flying 15's 70th Anniversary Trophy Race OWS
N.B. A special windward/leeward course with a centre Start/Finish line will be laid adjacent
to Mornington Pier for these races to enhance public viewing for the Club’s 70th Anniversary
sailing celebration. Special Sailing Instruction will be made available on the day.
Chris Jackson

calendar_of_events_amendment_no_1_04_02_16_re_trophy_race_20_02_16.pdf |