What a fabulous start to our season!!
A huge Thankyou to everyone who gave their time to make the whole weekend another success.
Our social committee and some members started at 8am Friday morning for the set up for our cocktail party and finished early Sunday evening after a fun opening day. Volunteers again made it such a success on and off the water.
The Rocks did a great job on the weekend again and Friday nights band were a winner, everyone was up dancing. Sunday was wonderful and below is my opening speech on Sunday.
My name is Sheryl Schumacher and I am honoured to be the Commodore of this amazing Club.
On behalf of the general committee of the Mornington Yacht Club, I extend a warm welcome to our many distinguished guests from state and local government:
David Morris MP, Member for Mornington and his wife Linda.
Alison Leighton, Chief Operating Officer for Infrastructure & Planning, Mornington Peninsula Shire
Yasmin Woods, Manager for property& Strategy, Mornington Peninsula Shire
Phil Fowler, Moorings and Berths, Parks Victoria
Graeme Davies, Port Phillip Westernport District Manager, Parks Victoria
Paul Tweddell, Club Services Manager, Australian Sailing and his wife Alison
To our neighbouring yacht clubs:
Max Chester & his wife from Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club
Tony Dawson & his wife Lyn from Hobson’s Bay Yacht Club
Don Blankesby & his wife Susan from Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Ray Shaw from Ocean Racing Club of Victoria &
Peter Bulka & his partner Lisa from Safety Beach Yacht Club
Our Major Sponsors:
Lauren & Malcolm, Harcourts Mornington
Nadia Hughes & Shannon Smitt, Smart Business Solutions
Ian Ross, Audi
Some of our other sponsors here today are Dave Eickmeyer, Zhik
Sandy Lansfield, Gazman &
Richard McDonald, Mornington Marine
Welcome to our past commodores starting with Graeme Alexander who has been fantastic at the other end of the phone whenever I need his advice or as a sounding board.
Greg Martin, Tony Donnellan, Sandy Mc Pherson and the lovable John Heart are the five Commodores I have served under – (Maybe time to move on!) The support from past commodores such as Andy Whitbourne, Bob Armstrong, Lewis Robbins, John Lynch, Ken Bilham, Trevor Neate and many others has been sensational, just being there for me in what has been a rather daunting time, all Team MYC members, my partner Bill McDonald who never complains about the lack of prepared food or the time spent away from home. Thank you all for being here today as we celebrate the opening of the 71st season of Mornington Yacht Club.
I would also like to thank the wonderful committee our club has got for their hard work and the time they volunteer away from their families to make sure you can go out and enjoy your sailing or just enjoying your club, our CEO Rod Austin, Sarah Grant our Office Manager, Michelle Levenspiel in accounts, the ever smiling Michelle Pickford our Sail Training Manager and her team. The boys who run us out to our boats on a Thursday night. We have many sub committees and your time you give to our club is so appreciated. A huge thank you to our Social Committee, Race Office and the massive number of volunteers it takes to keep our club running.
It is on occasions such as this that we realize our common passion for sailing and the good friendships we make and remember the paths that our predecessors forged … for which we now reap the benefits.
The goal of the Mornington Yacht Club has always been to bring the pleasure of sailing and the wonderful friendship this club offers to as many people as possible.
The coming year will be no different with our club leaders planning exciting things for both our sailing and social activities. We don’t always get it right, however what we try to do is always with the best interest of our club at heart. We are all volunteers and our job is to make sure you have an inclusive family friendly club - your job is to go sailing and have fun! The world is changing and as a successful club we need to change with it. I personally look forward to working closely with our management committee, our staff and of course our tireless volunteers to achieve our goals.
I wish our skippers and crew a happy and successful sailing season and thank all our members for their contribution to our wonderful club.……………….
We now have some presentations and awards …….if you could all come up as your name is called please - starting with Our Club Person of the year. This year is a little different as we are recognising a group of people which was our 70th Historical Committee consisting of Jan Alexander, Barbara Nash, Stuart Gooley, Ray Harvey, Di Lynch, John Lynch and David Campbell. They did an amazing job as many of you would have seen and we can’t thank them enough for the amount of hours they gave to be able to capture the last 70 years of Mornington Yacht Club. The plan for the future is to have it all put into a book for the next generation to see - Stuart Gooley has been working towards getting this to happen in the not too distant future.
Our Next presentation is recognition of our 25 year members - If you could all come up as your name is called please: Jenny Mason, Pete DeLange, Scott White, Jeremy Rae, Roger McGraw, Jan Morris, Maurie Eddington & Tim Humphries. Our next presentation is to recognise our 50 year members if you could all come up please: Rowley Morris, Trevor Di Lynch and John Lynch.
Our final presentation today is to a member of our club who has given tirelessly, he was on our sailing and general committee for the last twenty years and is still on the Yard Committee---if you could all welcome up Keith Ross or to some of you also known as "Grumpy". Thank you Keith from us all for everything you have given to Mornington Yacht Club.
Let’s enjoy the day celebrating our 2016 - 2017 sailing season and I look forward to being out on the water a little later toasting your success and with that I will hand over to our Rear Commodore Dave Eickmeyer.....Thank you to everyone!
Click here for video of speech