There is a new AWQ VHF Marine Radio Certificate: Introduced by the Australain Media and Communications Authority (AMCA) as a simplified qualification for coastal operators of VHF Marine Radio.
VHF AWQ Marine Radio Licence Course
MYC Members: $155 (non-members: $175)
- A three hour course
- Theory and “hands on” use of radios
- Two (2) tests - One multiple choice theory test and a practical test using the radios.
- On successful completion of both tests, a certificate and card are issued on that evening
At VHF AWQ Marine Radio Licence you will:
- Learn the correct channels to use and when to use them.
- Learn how to use “repeater stations” for coastal waters.
- Receive up to date weather and navigational information.
- Obtain a MMSI number for DSC use
- Learn how the use DSC (the “RED Button for emergencies”.)
- Learn distress and safety procedures, how to access search and rescue.
- Learn how to respond to an emergency call.
- Send messages that are understood and others know how to respond.
- Learn when and how to operate an EPIRB in a distress situation
Thursday 20th July, 6pm – 9pm @ MYC
Bookings essential by Sunday 16th July
Rsvp to Michelle 0449 508 963 or [email protected]