Where do we start???
Without our volunteers, nothing happens.
At MYC we are blessed to have a hard core of regular volunteers who turn up every time something needs to be done around the Club. The Board, the Sailing Committee, the Finance Committee, the Training and Development Committee, the Marketing Committee are all volunteers whose time and expertise dedicated to help the club cannot be measured in dollars.
Volunteers are the backbone of Mornington Yacht Club, they are in our DNA highlighted by the Thursday Action Group. A group of retired (from paid work) members who organise the yard, and do all the odd jobs that are needed to keep the Club running efficiently. And they’re cheap!!! It’s amazing what work we can get done in exchange for a packet of ”Tim Tams”.
I’m sure that I have the support of all members in saying THANK YOU to our volunteers.
You are TEAM MYC!
Greg Martin
MYC Commodore