The decision to purchase the Pacers has been supported by a Business Plan to ensure the Club obtains the greatest advantage from these boats. It is intended that they be used to:
* Invest in the next generation of sailors
* To increase participation in the Club's sail training activities
* To attract more Schools to use the Club for Outdoor Education classes and to develop team racing skills
The Pacer is Yachting Australia's preferred class for School and Youth training and the boats being acquired will replace the Club's ageing Feva fleet, which will be sold.
In addition the Foundation agreed to provide $2,000 to assist the following four 420 crews in meeting the costs of competing in the Australian 420 Championships to be held in Perth at Christmas. The crews are:
Matilda and Lily Richardson
Sophie Jackson and Laura Harding
Lucy Gray and Chloe Harper
Stephanie Lee and Alex Dare.
This grant is consistent with the Foundation's objective of fulfilling members ambitions and potential at a higher level of competition. We wish them luck in Perth .
The Foundation has been set up to operate in perpetuity and looks forward to continuing to assist the Club and its members . We are keen to receive any feedback and suggestions that you would like to make for the Foundations activities and look forward to your continuing support.
To donate (tax deductible) to the Foundation click here.
Yours truly,
Stuart Gooley