Should you wish to seek financial assistance, please provide a detailed description of the event or series of events in which you propose to compete. Applicants should be aware of, and address the selection criteria, when they are submitting their applications. In your application please consider:-
1. Applicants should be active members of the Club. The length of membership and participation in Club activities generally will be taken into account.
2. Past or committed participation in Club training programs.
3. Demonstrated sailing ability in past events as shown by results in your sailing career to date.
4. Provision of a budget including the proposed use of any funds received and the importance of the same in achieving your objectives. Details of any fund-raising activities to be undertaken and other sources of financial assistance available should be included.
5. The benefits that will flow from your participation in the event(s), for both your sailing career and more broadly the Club.
6. Undertake to compete as a representative of the Mornington Yacht Club, and on your return, to provide a detailed report of your activities to the Club, and agree to participate in the use of your experiences to assist other sailors at the Club.
7. Preference will be given to applicants who sail in a class of boat sailed at the Club or under active consideration for support by the Club.
The Selection Committee is under no obligation to make a grant to an applicant, and may make a grant in full, in part, and impose such conditions as it sees fit. The allocation of any funds will be at the absolute discretion of the Selection Committee.
Yours truly
Stuart Gooley
Mornington Yacht Club Foundation
P.S. less than 2 weeks to go to the end of the Tax Year. Donate today and click here to receive your tax deductible receipt.