The Foundation Board would love to see wider member participation in supporting the Foundation, enabling it to continue and extend its financial contribution to projects such as these. Donations don’t have to be large; if every member donated $50 total contributions would be close to $45,000 which could then be used to continue the work in upgrading our facilities.
Donations to the Mornington Yacht Foundation can be made through our account at the Australian Sports Foundation site by clicking on the following link Once you have made your donation you will receive a receipt to enable a tax deduction to be claimed. By making donations in this way you are effectively having the Government contribute to our sport to the extent of the tax deduction you obtain. However if you wish to make a donation without receiving a tax deduction these can be made directly to the Foundation through the Club office.
On another matter the Foundation Board is in the early planning stages for our Business lunch in 2024 which we expect to be as great an event as last year’s. Keep the date Friday 15 March free and wait for further news.