Thanks to Cam McKenzie for sponsoring and to all the owners who offered their boats. Kids on Keelboats was a little more challenging this year in 20-25 knots leading to a few retirements. Great to see some pre Tackers grandkids out there, as well as the youth steering some big boats. One owner was heard to say - “don’t do too good a job steering, you’ll make me look bad”
Of all comers Apache took out Div 1, Morning Light without kids won Div 2 and Beau Brummell Div 3. By pairing up the kids there were more spots than kids, but thank you again for making it happen. Cam provided movie tickets for the boats steered by kids. Unfortunately 2 of these boats retired, but of those that finished, Seduction took the honours with Jack Eickmeyer and Lachie Weber, from Phoenix with Kate James and Sophie McKenzie.
Was great to see the Saturday and Sunday aspects to the club getting to know each other better.
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Andrew Weber