In attendance : 32 members
Apologies: Sarah Sharman, Ross Ferguson.
Sheryl welcomed all and presented the following speech. Click here
Finance report Hon Treasurer Jon Phillips presented the Finances as per the 2016-2017 year and budgets going forward. The figures outlined by Jon are presented on the presentation slides shown on the night and linked below.
Sailing report Rear Commodore David Eickmeyer presented the sailing report as shown on the presentation slides.
Whats On - CEO Rod Austin spoke on behalf of the Social Committee, Marketing Committee and Yard Committees.
Foundation Committee - Vice Commodore Chris Jackson updated all on the foundation Pacer Fundraising project and the thermometer sign he personally paid for to bring awareness to all in the club of how the fundraising was going.
Question Time - Vice Commodore Chris Jackson
1. In terms of the 35/65 membership category is the 50% of the membership category fee as spoken about previously not proceeding?
A. Correct it was decided that 35/65 members will need to decide as to what category they wish to join. As over 65 years they are eligible for the concession rate which is already a discount on the full paying fees..
2.. What is being done about Apache and Seduction in the Harbours Visitor berths and are they paying for the privilege.
A: The matter is being addressed with those involved:
3. Why is it the club is abolishing the 35/65 membership and could be perceived as not respecting the long term members.
A; The 35/65 membership has grown from 2 members to 36 members last year and it is simply not feasible for these members to not financially contribute. The club does respect and recognise long term membership and is addressing the matter to ensure all do feel this way.
4. What is being done about Race Crew Volunteers:
A: Agreed a good question and one that needs actioning before next season. Tanya Lawton and John Mills were thanked for their commitment and it was reiterated the importance of honouring your duty when on the roster. An excellent suggestion was including the youth members in the rostering.
Click Here to view the Presentation Slides
Chris and Sheryl thanked all for coming.
Meeting closed 8.15pm