I wish to advise you that the Board has decided to immediately impose the following regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These are truly unprecedented times and it is important that we follow the strict measures put in place by the Federal and State Governments aimed at slowing down the rate at which the virus spreads. To this end the importance of hygiene and social distancing cannot be overstated and I am sure that many of us have already dramatically changed our daily routines in order to reduce the risk of spreading the virus in our communities.
We also have to recognise that the age demographic of our club puts many of us in a higher risk category.
- SAILING - All sailing for season 2019-2020 is cancelled forthwith.
- OFFICE - Sarah will be working at the club on her own (9.30am TO 3.30pm). Tayla will be working from home on an hourly basis as long as we have work for her. Anyone who needs to access the office must be mindful of the “Social Distancing” guidelines.
- MEMBERS BAR - Closed until further notice.
- MEMBERS DECK - Closed until further notice.
- MEMBERS KITCHEN - Closed until further notice.
- MEMBERS CHANGING ROOMS / DOWNSTAIRS AREA - Closed until further notice.
- SLIPPING DAY - Given the current situation we are likely to bring slipping day forward, we will keep everyone posted.
It is important if you can to support our tenant and the many MYC club sponsors, every business will be feeling the pain.
The telephone still works, so as I said please stay in touch with each other.
An appropriate quote from Thomas S Monson.
“We cannot control the wind, but we can adjust the sails”.
Greg Martin