Please support the Dolphin Research Institute & read on....there is also a donation box on the bar in the members lounge - THANK YOU!
You can't look after our dolphins if we don't care for their environment. Which is why the Dolphin Research Institute runs marine education programs alongside research, to foster a community who cares enough about our bays to change how we live in the suburbs. This will become even more important in a future with extremes of climate and our population climbing from 5 to 10 million by 2060.
Our supporters directly aid research and education programs to protect our dolphins, whales and all our bays' living marine treasures.
Our supporters are the real heroes because without their support we would not have been able to respond.

Scientific Research
For nearly three decades we have provided scientific evidence to help protect of our dolphins. We also help develop future scientists through internships and supporting post-graduate students.
Support research HERE.
Has something gone missing from your street? Chances are our 'i sea, i care' Ambassadors found it recently at the clean-out of a storm water pollution trap. Without these traps pollutants flow straight to the bay. Ambassadors help their communities to change how we live in our streets.
Support 'i sea, i care' HERE.

We engage over 10,000 children and adults each year, to foster caring and understanding for OUR marine treasures. Our 'i sea, i care' School Ambassador program has changed culture and developed 5,000 coastal leaders in over 100 schools.
Support education HERE.

We engage over 10,000 children and adults each year, to foster caring and understanding for OUR marine treasures. Our 'i sea, i care' School Ambassador program has changed culture and developed 5,000 coastal leaders in over 100 schools.
Support education HERE.

Donate before June 30!
Your support will achieve important outcomes for our marine treasures.
All donations to the Dolphin Research Institute of $2 and over are tax-deductible. So you can support a cause you're passionate about and claim a deduction at tax time!