The Schnapper Point Regatta this past weekend enabled us to witness the skills of young people having fun and further developing their sailing journey in very trying conditions. Thank you to all on water race and land based supporters ensuring the safety and welfare of competitors and the entourage following them. Well done everyone.
Project Hurricane is coming to an end with the extended female change room becoming operational and cladding of the shower cubicles soon. The non slip floors are not satisfactory and will be fixed over winter.
The automatic back gates and fob system are now in place tightening up security. Make arrangements to swap over your key for a fob with the office. Key locks will be disabled by the end of February.
Many people have commented highly favorably about the Club storyboard. This really sets off the new downstairs area. Thank you to Stuart Gooley and Ben Jones for putting this together.
Funding is starting to come together for the renewal and relocation of our crane with improvements to Maas Landing. This will be our priority project over winter dependent on Council support which appears to be favorable. Sorry we can’t push them from following their due processes any faster to enable engineering work to be undertaken.
Council have recently been firming up arrangements to undertake the dredging of the area adjacent to the Club’s ramp and slipway together with the public boat ramp. We trust this will be finished in time for slipping scheduled for the 6th of May. Otherwise contingency arrangements will be put in place.
Parks Vic have finally been able to appoint a Project Manager to undertake the planning and re-development of the Fishermans Jetty. A heritage consultant has been engaged and expressions of interest have gone out for a planning consultant. While the progress appears glacial, we expect consultation with the Club will commence in April. We have a fair handle on what the new pier infrastructure is likely to look like in terms of fairways for commercial craft and the future of the mooring grid.
Preliminary thinking is going into expanding our upstairs toilets, making better use of space on the back deck and improving the amenity on the front deck. Standby for announcements on Project Typhoon. This work is likely to be staged in conjunction with the renewal of the Rocks lease. In the meantime we have freshened up the ladies and men's toilets with a coat of paint.
The MYC Foundation lunch on the 3rd of March is a sell out and an important funding tool to support Club improvements.
We will be holding an appreciation dinner for our Sailability volunteers on Wednesday the 29th of March to mark the end of their season.
MYC will host the return of the Victory Cup golf tournament amongst bayside yacht clubs at Rosebud Country Club on Thursday the 6th of April. Bookings through Trybooking to be announced.
The Club will be holding an Appreciation and Presentation Dinner on Saturday the 6th of May to coincide with the end of season for keel and trailer yachts. We are planning a separate function for Off the Beach boats. More information on both events will follow shortly.
Finally the Board finds it necessary to remind all members about our Code of Conduct which is published below. We are all busy people and take no pleasure in having to arbitrate or pull into line poor behaviour between members and/or interactions with the public. Take sometime to think carefully before reacting to an issue upsetting you. Exercise tolerance.
Fair sailing
Andrew Young
Membership of MYC is a privilege and carries with it a responsibility to uphold our reputation at every opportunity and not to engage in conduct that brings the Club and other members into disrepute or is contrary to the Constitution and By-Laws of MYC.
There are many stakeholders in Mornington Yacht Club and members and visitors of MYC have a duty to ensure that they cause no adverse impact on any of these stakeholders as a result of their actions at MYC or in the wider environment.
Members and visitors must behave in a manner that facilitates, enhances and ensures the:
- Reputation and standing of MYC;
- Amenity of other members of MYC;
- Health, safety and comfort of staff employed at MYC;
- Enjoyment of visitors to MYC; and
- Physical property and facilities provided by MYC.
- Breaches accepted standards of public behaviour;
- Jeopardises the health and safety of members, staff and visitors;
- Causes offence to members, staff and visitors;
- Lessens the amenity and enjoyment of members, staff and visitors;
- Damages, destroys or lessens the value of MYC assets; or
- Damages, destroys or lessens the value of property owned by other Club members.
Any member bringing the Club into disrepute may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the MYC Constitution.
Any visitor breaching this code may be asked to leave the premises. Any visitor who does not recognize or demonstrate an ongoing understanding of this code of conduct will be asked to stay away indefinitely.