Elizabeth (Beth) Bennett was born in Hobart. Beth and her late husband, Harry, moved from Geeveston, where they had an orchard, to Orford in 1974. Since moving to the East Coast she has shown a strong commitment to the needs of the residents of the Glamorgan-Spring Bay Municipality.
Her long association with the Girl Guides saw her progress from a Leader in Geeveston, through to a District Commissioner at Spring Bay and finally, a member of the Guides Tasmania Council. She has continued to work with young people as a mentor, and has been able to motivate others in the community to become mentors as well.
Beth has a strong social conscience and is committed to justice and fairness for all Tasmanians. She was a municipal councillor for Spring Bay from 1980-90. Many people in the Orford-Triabunna community continue to go to Beth for help because they know she can effectively represent their issues through the committees and networks of which she is a part.
As part of her commitment to the wellbeing of the older people of the Glamorgan-Spring Bay municipality, Beth has been involved with a number of boards and committees. Beth is the Vice Chair of the Prosser House Board of Management, and held the position of Chair from 1995-2003. She has also been the Chairwoman of the War Widows Guild, East Coast Sub-branch, since 1984.
Beth’s other involvements include being a member of the Positive Ageing Consultative Committee, member of the Glamorgan-Spring Bay Municipal Health Advisory Committee and the Orford Hall Committee. She is also a Justice of the Peace.
An innovative organiser, Beth has been responsible for coordinating the Seniors Week concert at Orford for several years. The 2006 concert featured 12 items, which included everything from a strip-tease to tango, all performed by older members of the community.
Beth is very aware of the effects of social isolation and is particularly concerned for those who live in outlying rural areas. Her commitment to her community has been recognised by her being named the Spring Bay Municipality Citizen of the Year in 1990.