The General Committee have scheduled the AGM for Sunday 15th July at 11am. This is about 4 weeks after we normally conduct the AGM but it is well within the time frame stipulated in our Constitution of 5 Months after our year end.
There are several commercially sound reasons why we have scheduled the date in July, I have listed below some of those reasons:
- It provides the MYC in conjunction with our Auditors Smart Business Solutions a suitable time frame to have our financials audited, prepared and then distributed to the membership prior to the AGM. I met with our auditors last week and they were very supportive of holding the AGM in July as this provides ample time to conduct the audit in a thorough manner.
- As we have advised previously we are working on formulating a Future Directions document and the content will be very much dictated by the feedback we receive from our membership at the member forums and key stakeholder meetings. By the AGM in July we should be able to provide an initial overview of that plan.