Thursday Sep 24, 2020 07:30 PM

We can’t meet together in person, but can still talk about the sport we love.
Please pour a drink, find a comfy chair and log onto Zoom. You don’t necessarily need to download the app, but it's a bit more functional if you do.
You don’t necessarily need to download the app, but it's a bit more functional if you do. You can join by phone or computer whatever suits you.
You can use the zoom link to connect or just dial in on a mobile to the number listed - refer to the tattler / email sent or contact the office.
Now, in order that this doesn’t get too crazy and we sound like a pack of sea gulls fighting over the chips, we do need to follow a few processes to make it work.
- With lots of people joining in I will ask you to turn off video and I'll mute all so that we save the bandwidth to hear the talk and see the screen.
- If you hold your mouse down the bottom left you can mute/unmute and turn video on and off.
- For questions, it would be preferable to use the Q&A button. Do do this hold the mouse in the middle of the bar at the bottom of the Zoom window, then you will be able to type in your question. We will try and deal with is at the time, otherwise we'll pause talk at appropriate times and open to any verbal questions. When asking a question you can then unmute yourself and turn on your video, so that we can see your face, but like a two way radio please try and not talk over others.
We look forward to seeing you then!
watch this space!
. Please let us know
Andrew Weber
[email protected]
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