This year’s race has been run and won by Zippier, but not after considerable drama and Race Rule Protests.
The Confusion Cup Race: Mornington to Williamstown started at 6am.
The lead into the Williamstown to Mornington Race at 10am.
Remedy M2 and Zippier the only starters.
30 knot Westerly winds , large breaking seas, allowed cracked sheets and a wet and sometimes wild trip.
Remedy taking around 3 hours and Zippier an incredible 1 hour 10 minutes the new and never to be broken race record.
Subsequent Protests in confusion after the finish at Williamstown, Zippier lodged several protests against themselves and are as follows:
- Rule 28.1 Sailing a Proper Course: Failed to keep the West Gate Bridge to Starboard and in fact rounded to Port.
- Rule 48.2 Limits on Equipment and Crew: Safety of boat and crew safety issue. No Boom. always Exceeding a safe speed.
- Rule 41 Outside Help: That Boom issue not on the boat at start time and sailed entire race with no boom only set on the boat after finishing.
- Rule 42.1 Propulsion : Used motorised power.
All protests were dismissed and considered out of hand. The race results stand.
Well done Zippier up and back line honours.
Zippier finish time of one hour ten minutes a record, will never be broken.
Peter Green, Remedy M2