Our club has a strategy to promote sailing to the Youth through families and schools. Ideally the club would like sailing and boating activities be included as part of their outdoor & leadership curriculum and/or school sport.
MYC is asking for your support to obtain 6 Pacers which will allow MYC to become a School Team Sailing Centre. Team Sailing is one of the fastest growing aspects of sailing in Australia and Pacers are the Australian Recognised and Endorsed Team Racing Dinghy.
Already MYC has been nominated by Australian Sailing as the preferred venue for the Australian and NZ Interdominion to be held in September 2017. For this to happen this Fundraising project has been established to provide the equipment needed to achieve this goal.
- Sailing as a School Sport has experienced massive growth in the past 5 years.
- Schools will come to MYC if we have Pacers
- MYC is recognised as an ideal venue for National and International Team Racing events
- There is now a dedicated State APS, AGS, VGS, Catholic and Public School Perpetual Trophies.
- Teams racing is for all ages and MYC will host Inter and intra club events with members
- The Boats will be used also by our Training School for the next level of training after Tackers and Adult Dinghy Training courses.
As lovers of the sport and recreation of Sailing we do need your support to raise the required funds in 2016 in readiness for 2017 School season. I.e. If every member contributed a minimum donation of $100 MYC would receive $75,000.
DONATE ONLINE by clicking here or
completing the paper form Click here
All donations will receive a tax deductible receipt.
I thank you for your support
Stuart Gooley
Foundation Chair, Mornington Yacht Club
Pacer Raffle ......
Peninsula Travel 2 night package to Hobart for 2: flights with Jetstar, accommodation with Wrest Point Hotel & a full day Port Arthur tour with Salamanca Market. Total Package Price value $1,144 (terms & conditions apply)
2nd Prize
An Audi car of your choice* for a weekend value $1000 (*conditions apply to car availability)
3rd Prize
$250 worth of merchandise from Sport Phillip Marine
Click here for flyer