Perfect weekend of 10knot Southerly wind for all competitors.
27 OTB Entries
33 Open Opti Fleet Entries
17 Green Fleet Entries
Thank you to all the MYC Volunteers. The number of volunteers at Mornington does make our club really special. For this regatta I have accounted for 60 volunteers on the weekend.
Medical and Photographer - Andrew Weber
PRO Jacko
Sign on and off Michelle Jackson, Jacki Johnson, Fleur Morgan-Payler
BBQ Pam Lane, Pam Heyes, Kate Johnston, Sue Beeson, David Beeson, Gail Brandhoff, Tonia Vertigan
Registration Sarah Sharman, Jo McKenzie, Jenny Eickmeyer, Cheryl Coombs and Michelle Pickford
Merchandise and Kitchen Sheryl Schumacher and sister Terri
Tower - Steve Bardsley , Brodie Goozee, Krystine Johnston, John Randall, Rob Comb, Sue Redman
Yard - Noel Heyes, Rob "Father" Spicer, Noel Lane, John Hart
OTB and Open Opti Start Boat - Graeme Alexander, Sheila Young, Reece James, Tanya Lawton, Glenys Hitchen
OTB Start Pin Boat - Greg Martin, Greg Sharman Dave Haw
OTB Course Boats - Bolts and Basil Callahan, Michael Stewardson, Rob Spicer, Dave Eickmeyer
OTB and Opti Finish Boat - John Mills, Christine Cooper, Louise Evenden, Cam and Jo McKenzie
Rescue Boats - Simon Purcell, Brett James, Stuart Richardson, Phil Coombs
Green Fleet Start Boat - Tony Harvey, Chris Schwarz, Ben Thompson, Wes Heron, Bondy, Amanda McMillan, James Morgan-Payler, Rachael Thompson
Green Fleet Course Boats Matt Hannaford, Tony Hutchinson , Ben Thompson
Coaches Mel Hitchen, Nick Sharman, James Oliver, Sam NZ, Rod Evenden
Great weather and a great atmosphere on and off the water.
Congratulations to all the winners and all those that had fun on the water.
1st 420 and overall #55159 Laura Harding and Emma Grimshaw BYS
1st Pacer Tom Bowel RYS
1st Laser radial Tyrone Gowans MYC
Open Opti Fleet
1st #1224 Passing Wind Linus Talacko RMYS
Green Opti Fleet
1st #435 Sharks Revenge Henry Heron MYC
Click here for all the regatta results.
Click here for the Picture gallery.